Saturday, May 16, 2015

3 WHAT?!?!

I don't know if I have shared the story of,how our 3 girls came to be 3 girls. Other than the science of how it happened of course! Being our first babies everyone was so excited to find out the sex of our babies. So we were told we would possibly be able to see at 16 weeks. So in we go at 16 weeks excited to find out! Dinner was planned with our family for the big reveal. The ultrasound tech looked at baby a and b (Alyx and Luci) and said it looked like a boy and showed us what she thought was boy parts. Then she looked at baby c (Dot) and said definitely looking like a girl. Now even though it was still early we went ahead and revealed 2 boys 1 girl! Yeah! Hubby was relieved having 3 girls scared the daylights out of him, and everyone who knows him, family and friends, told him 3 girls it would be. 4 weeks later the all important 20 week ultrasound (see previous post) this ultrasound tech informed us baby a and b were not boys but girls! Must have been the cord in the last ultrasound. We were shocked to say the least. And baby c, having no fluid, was now unknown. They weren't able to see anything with any fluid. So now we were having at least 2 girls possibly 3. Hubby is now in shock and trying to picture how he is going to raise girls when the prospect scares him. It was really so cute, worrying about boys chasing after his girls before they were even born.  Now to break the news to everyone that it is now 2 maybe 3 girls.  After the initial shock and realizing he would be an amazing dad to our 2 or 3 girls, he was so excited. We immediately bought matching dresses and cute little bows to celebrate! 2 weeks before the girls were born they confirmed yes it would be all 3 girls. I was afraid not having a boy would disappoint Mark. But when I looked in his eyes there was only love for  his 3 baby girls. And the love in his eyes has grown each and everyday. And he is an amazing dad who has taken on fatherhood to his 3 baby girls with tender loving care. We are the 4 luckiest GIRLS that totally outnumber daddy now!

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